3 min read


In the whirlwind of life's challenges and uncertainties, have you ever felt lost or overwhelmed, searching for clarity and direction? If so, you're not alone. Amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a transformative practice that brought me solace and insight: journaling.
Photo by Jan Kahánek / Unsplash

Have you ever felt bogged down? Mentally drained? Maybe just overwhelmed and unclear about where you are going in life? Well at one point I experienced similar things and I discovered the practice of journaling.

The act of journaling can have tremendous short and long-term benefits for your health. It is something everybody should be doing. Today, we are going to look at what journaling is, why you should pick up this habit, and explore ways of getting started!

What is Journaling?

"Journaling is the act of keeping a record of your personal thoughts, feelings, insights, and more". It is a way of finding mental clarity and peace with yourself. Many people find that it isn't easy to pick up journaling. It often feels like a hassle, like more work you have to do. Today, I want to change your view on journaling and show you different ways to journal, demonstrating that it is something that anyone can pick up and develop as a habit in their daily life.

Why Start Journaling?

Journaling is a proven way to help with mental health. It has many health benefits, some of which include:

  1. Reducing anxiety/stress. By putting your thoughts and feelings down, studies show that symptoms of depression go down and feelings of well-being increase. Maybe you are having a rough week, or going through an emotional event. Well, writing about it can help you to break out of those thoughts and balance out your emotions.
  2. Boosting your mood. People who journal are sown to have a heightened mood and are happier in life!
  3. Increasing your awareness of yourself and your surroundings. By writing what you feel, you gain access to data about yourself. You can start to see trends, see what helps on one day, what went wrong on another. All this information can help you to gain awareness within yourself, get to know who you are better, as well as awareness of the environment around you.

How to Journal?

There is no one right way to journal. The biggest problem most people have with journaling is the time commitment. It ends up feeling like extra work for them to have to do, and that defeats the purpose. So, when picking a way to start journaling, whether online or on paper, morning or at night, etc. It is best to choose whatever is going to be the most sustainable for you. And remember, it is not something you have to do every day, but adding it to your life can greatly benefit it.

I have found that online journaling is the most convenient for me, although I still keep a written one I just do not use it daily. I use an app called Notion to journal.

I am particularly fond of stoicism and found a template on YouTube that I fell in love with. It is a list of prompts, where I can choose whichever one I am feeling for the day, or multiple, which can help give you some guidance when journaling daily. Here is the video I watched, and the creator's template is online on his website:

Another great video to start Stoic journaling can be found here:

Overall, the best way to get started is to just write. Start now! Over time, find the way you like to journal the best. That can mean doing it on paper, online, in the morning, at night, with or without prompts, and so many other ways to make it your own experience. It is something that is there to benefit you, so take some time and tailor it to make it an enjoyable process.

I hope some of you decide to start this habit. It has been life-changing for me. I have noticed my stress has gone down and I am a lot more aware with myself and my emotions. On days I do not journal it is crucial not to beat myself up over it. This is a journey, and our goal is to better ourselves, so if you miss a day no big deal! It does not have to be a daily thing for you. Maybe you only journal on days when you are particularly stressed out. Either way, try out journaling, tailor it to you, and enjoy the process. I wish you all the luck in the world on your journey!

For another perspective on journaling every day, and someone who ran into the issue of finding it like extra work check out this video:

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and mental wellness through the art of journaling. Explore the profound benefits it offers and discover practical strategies for incorporating this empowering habit into your daily life. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, a boost in mood, or simply a deeper understanding of yourself, journaling holds the key to unlocking a path towards greater clarity and fulfillment. Embrace this opportunity to embark on a journey of introspection and growth, and witness the positive impact it can have on your overall well-being.