4 min read

A Cheap Way To Improve Your Life!

Discover how a simple adjustment to your morning routine can revolutionize your productivity levels and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Explore the benefits of using a physical alarm clock and incorporating mindfulness practices to start your mornings off right!
A Cheap Way To Improve Your Life!
Photo by insung yoon / Unsplash

Say goodbye to groggy mornings and hello to a more productive day ahead! If you're seeking a budget-friendly way to kickstart your mornings with purpose, then keep reading for a game-changing solution that worked wonders for me!

This past week, we dove into the realm of happiness. While that is a very deep conversation, today I want to talk about a cheap yet easy way to make your morning routine more productive!

If you are like me, you often find yourself scrolling through your phone at night while laying in bed. You probably are also using your phone as an alarm clock. But how many times does your alarm clock go off in the morning, only for you to roll over and hit the snooze button? For me, this was a serious problem. I often found myself staying up too late on my phone, drifting into the rabbit hole that is the internet. And, in the mornings, I would continuously snooze my alarm clock, or roll over and start immediately scrolling social media on my phone. If any of this sounds familiar, then the next part of this blog can be greatly beneficial to you, just as it was for me!

My Solution

A physical alarm clock! Yes, that's it. I bought a cheap physical alarm clock and placed it on my dresser away from my bed. I also started charging my phone at the dresser as well so I can not go on it at night. So, in the morning, I have to physically get out of bed and walk across my room to turn off my alarm. This action has gotten rid of my snoozing habit and going back to sleep. In addition, I am a lot more productive in my mornings by not instantly going on my phone. Instead, I have developed a morning routine!

I found this suggestion in Ali Abdall's youtube video, which I will link below!

My Morning Routine

My alarm has been going off at 7:30 am this summer. I wake up, turn off my alarm, and instantly throw cold water on my face to wake myself up. I also go through a morning face wash routine, which I can post about in the future if anyone is interested. Next, I try to do something mindful at the start of my day. I do not like to jump right into the work I have to do, but rather take some time to be myself and prepare for the day ahead.

Often to achieve this I do Tai Chi or mediation. Both of these allow me to clear my head and get myself ready for the day ahead. They are also not time-consuming and help with mental health, clarity, and anxiety. Again, I can go more in-depth into these in a future post!

I then like to make a cup of coffee, go through my emails, and plan out any tasks I have for my day. This system I am developing is known as a second brain, and once I have put the final touches on my version of this I will be making a post about it! After all of this, I will go on my phone to and do as I please, before starting the first work session of my day.

At this point, I have given myself time to get prepared mentally for the day ahead, I have given myself a plan for my tasks, and am ready to start working. I will work for about 1-2 hours, then take a break and enjoy breakfast. If I have the time, I like to work out after that, eat again, then continue my work throughout the day.

Benefits I Have Seen

Now to discuss the benefits and changes I have seen after implementing this morning routine:

  1. I no longer stay up all night on my phone and am going to sleep at a much more reasonable time, allowing me to get more sleep each night
  2. When I wake up, I do not go back to bed, nor do I lay in bed on my phone
  3. The cold water/face wash in the morning rakes me up and clears the morning fog
  4. After doing my mindful exercises (meditating or tai chi) I feel calm, cool, and ready to start my day
  5. The coffee, which Ias its own benefits, gives me a little boost in the morning
  6. Going through my emails allows me to stay on top of everything
  7. Getting 1-2 hours of work in the morning, as well as laying out my tasks for the day, allows me to get a massive chunk of my work done efficiently, while also not draining me for the rest of my day


As I always say, take everything you learn and adapt it to you. If you are having a hard time waking up in the morning, try a physical alarm clock. Also, try and keep your phone away from your bed and stop yourself from going on it first thing in the morning. Develop your own routine/system that works best for you and your needs!

Take action today to transform your morning routine and unlock your full potential. Embrace the power of intentional living by incorporating small changes like using a physical alarm clock and practicing mindfulness exercises. Your journey to a more productive morning starts now!

If anyone does something different and would like to share, feel free to email me (findingourwaysblog@gmail.com) or leave a comment on our Facebook page (linked above)!