2 min read

Beginning My Career

Beginning  My Career
Photo by Joel Durkee / Unsplash

Hello friends,

This week marks my first day at work! For those that do not know I will be working with PwC in the assurance sector. With this in mind, I want to briefly discuss an important dilemma many of us face: enjoying our jobs. While the idea of accounting may be boring to some, I have tremendous enjoyment in the work. This has caused me to wonder, why is it I can find "boring" work enjoyable.

It is because of my overarching view on it. When I begin to think of my job responsibilities - and how tedious they might be - it is easy to feel overwhelming despair showing up day to day. While the work I do may not be the most exciting, especially at the start of my career, my contribution to society is nothing short of essential! My contribution is to protect society from deception, ensuring they can rely on the financial information out there.

The combination of this contribution, the work I can accomplish in the future, and my enjoyment of studying finance results in a mindset setting me up for success.

If you are struggling with enjoying your job, start by asking yourself what you want to contribute to society. Think about how your current job may be meeting that contribution. And if it is not, maybe there is a way where you can make it.

Ultimately, we all want to find enjoyment in the work we do. And being excited to go to work will improve your work quality. If anyone has some other strategies to accomplish this, please reach out (you can reply to this email)!

🌎 My Favorite Things This Week

  1. 📚 Book - I am still reading The Game of Thrones, and am still loving every second of it. I have also started Great at Work by Morten Hansen and have found it very insightful. It has great ideas on how to become a better worker, and is an excellent read heading into the start of my first week!
  2. 🏢 Organization - I have spent a lot of time clearing off my desk and drawers in the past week. There is something to be said for having a clean organized space, and this was something I wanted to prioritize before starting work!

✍ Quote Of The Week

"The most easily understood contribution to others is probably work. To be in society and join the workforce. Or to do the work of taking care of one’s household. Labor is not a means of earning money. It is through labor that one makes contributions to others and commits to one’s community, and that one truly feels “I am of use to someone” and even comes to accept one’s existential worth."

From The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. Resurfaced using Readwise.

⏭ Upcoming Content

  1. ✍ Blog post - Keeping the finance theme going, my next blog post will either revolve around investments or budgeting. I would like to continue staying within this realm, however, if there is something you would like to see please let me know by replying to this email!
  2. Travel - Come Monday I will be traveling down to Florida for my onboarding training. You can expect an update on my experience while there and my favorite parts from the trip!